July 11, 2023

Stop Niche Switching - What to do Instead

Stop Niche Switching - What to do Instead

Have you changed or switched your niche recently? 
Are you considering changing your niche? 

Why? Why do you want to make that change? 

If it is because you are not getting the results that you desire in your business, then don't, at least not yet. 

Before you make any major changes, you must take an honest look at what is not working in your business. 

In this week's episode, I discuss

 💫 What to do instead of switching your niche.

💫 How to assess what is actually not working.

💫 What may be stopping you from picking a niche

💫 When to actually change or consider changing your niche

💫 If you are interested in the book it here:  90-minute 1:1 Deep Dive session 

Click for a 20-minute free consultation.

Uncover Your Business Success Archetype: Free Quiz

My New Affirmation/Oracle Card Deck is here!! Finding Your Inner Gems: Affirmation Cards
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