Do you find yourself comparing/competing? Then this video is for you, this is what you can do instead.
Why should you meditate and how should you meditate. As a HSP, it is essential.
Are you taking life too seriously, stressed? Overwhelmed? Then this video is for you.. #highlysensitiveperson
If you feel disconnected. Do you feel alone? Then this video is for you.
In this Video I explain how to deal with energy Vampires. If there are some people that you interact with and feel exhausted afterwards, than this video is for you. This is especially important if you are empathetic, intuitive or heart-centered. HSP- Highly Sensitive People Life Coach Mountain View,…
Have you ever made a Vision Board? Have you heard about them and wondered what they are? In this video I share why they are important, especially for heart-centered, intuitive, HSP's.
Are there certain people that are able to push you buttons? In this video I share why certain people bother you and what you can do about it. Visit for my free 5 day course "Magnifying Your Abundance"
When you choose to take action or move towards a goal. Why have you chosen these goals? How do you know if you are on the right path? visit for my Free E-course "Magnifying your Abundance"
How do you see all the "to do's" in your life? Are they really things you should do ? Or are they gifts. in this video I share a new perspective on the should's of life. Kavita Life Coach ** visit for my free course "Magnifying your Abundance"
In this video I discuss a simple strategy to have more Focus. Decluttering time! Visit for my free 5 day course "Magnifying Your Abundance"
When you are a heart-centered, intuitive, Highly Sensitive Person, you can take on other's energy and confuse it with your own. Learn how to stay connected to yourself.
Learn how to go beyond New Year's resolutions and succeed.
How can you experience more happiness and joy during the holidays?
Are you an empath? Heart-centered? Highly Sensitive? The holidays can trigger overwhelm. In this video I share one simple strategy you can use to bring more joy and less overwhelm into your holiday
What stops you from being authentic? What one step will you take to be authentic.. I mentioned:
Are you stressed/overwhelmed. Do you feel like you are working hard but not reaching your goals? You may be out of alignment...
Do you need to get back on track with your self-care. Then this event is for you. Please register at:
What does the solare eclipse mean energetically for you? What can you do to use this powerful energy to accomplish your goals? Resources: Carol Allen and Laura of the Rythm Way
Do you have a complicated relationship with money, does your relationship serve you?
Do you have swirling to do lists in your head? If so this vlog is for you.. The Website I mention for the free gift is:
Kavita Life Coach, In this video I discuss how to set boundaries and why they are important.
People often ask why they should meditate. They know meditation is good for them, but they don't really know why.