What is a Vision and why do you need one? www.kavitalifecoach.com/vision2016 Mountain View, CA kavitalifecoach@gmail.com
What is regression or past life regression. How can it help you? Kavitalifecoach@gmail.com www.theenlightenedheart.pro Mountain View, CA
Changing your perspective about a situation can change your stress level. Life Coach Mountain View, CA www.kavitalifecoach.com kavitalifecoach@gmail.com
This video is about more success with positive self-talk. www.kavitalifecoach.com Free consultation: kavitalifecoach@gmail.com
Why should you be authentic? What are the benefits? I am changing the name of my business to ZEN TRANSFORMATIONS, which is why I use that in the beginning :) www.kavitalifecoach.com Free stress relief session kavitalifecoach@gmail.com
Why should you meditate? Isn't it too hard? What is the right way to meditate? www.kavitalifecoach.com kavitalifecoach@gmail.com. **email to set up a free consultation
What have you heard about hypnosis? Here are the facts about hypnosis. www.kavitalifecoach.com kavitalifecoach@gmail.com, email to register for the teleclass, you will receive it live or recorded.
How visualization can help you in your daily life. kavitalifecoach@gmail.com
Aha moment part 2 taken from "Psychology Today" . Contact me for a complimentary strategy session. www.kavitalifecoach.com
Decisions. Are you having trouble making a decision. Here is a four step process to help you make decisions. For a free consultation please contact me at kavitalifecoach@gmail.com
Vlog Aha moment! Best Life Coach San Francisco Bay Area www.kavitalifecoach.com from an article in Psychology Today.
Meditation for Stress Relief www.kavitalifecoach.com email me for more information kavitalifecoach@gmail.com
This video is about Highly sensitive person blog. Here is the link to the test I promised.. I give full credit to Dr. Elaine Aron. http://hsperson.com/test/highly-sensitive-test/ If you are an HSP and looking for support, start here: Receive my free guide "5 Keys to managing overwhelm as an Empath or…
Finding your Bliss. Are you looking to take your life and business to the next level? Contact me for a complimentary, no obligation strategy session.
Do you need help getting your space organized, or just simply decluttered. In this video I share a simple and easy way to re-organize.. Go to my website to sign up for my monthly tips directly to your inbox and receive a free gift! www.kavitalifecoach.com
Motivation, you had it, lost it, here is a reminder of two simple things you can do to find it again! www.kavitalifecoach.com
A life coach is a person who is an advisor and guide to help you achieve your goals.